Integrating videos in internal communication

Integrating videos in internal communication

Integrating videos in internal communications

Videos have traditionally been targeted to external audiences, especially with brands using videos for building their digital presence or spreading their marketing message to the world.

With present day internal communications forced to compete with Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat for attention, videos are a highly enriched medium that can be integrated into communication within organisations. With their unique ability to blend words and visuals to deliver powerful messages, videos can be employed to revitalise internal communications and to harness the power of engagement amongst employees.

The good news is that unlike email, video has the power to cut through the noise and deliver your messages without getting disregarded or side-lined by diverse competing messages.

Why videos?

“Research shows that, on average, people experience 75% greater understanding of the information delivered when using a combination of sight and sound. Studies also show that people retain 58% more information when both auditory and visual senses are stimulated”. 

Communicating across generations

Workplaces these days welcome a mix of generations from the baby boomers to the generation Z. Given the differing communication preferences of these groups, organisations must begin to adapt their internal communication strategy to accommodate the preferences of their workforce.

The millennials and generation Z are impatient with wordy communication and have a shorter attention span. They also tend to move away from highly formal communication and are more casual and spontaneous in their approach. To catch their attention as they swiftly scroll through content, we need to put content out there in a captivating way that arrests their interest and encourages them to consume the message. Videos can help to engage the new generation workforce while also providing a powerful motivator for those (especially millennials) who seek unique differentiators at the workplace.

In a world of increased personalisation, personalised communication delivery seems a logical requirement. Give your internal audience the choice to select their preferred way of receiving communication, either as an email, a short video, an intranet announcement, a mobile app notification or any other alternate means. As we focus on improving the employee experience (EX), let’s also incorporate innovative channels and ways of communication that are compatible with diverse generations.

“While we may see the millennial generation’s need for short bursts of visual content as rather unnecessary, it will not be long before they become the benchmark of how a modern organisation operates”.

So how can you use videos in internal communications?

You can use videos to convey messages related to the below themes:

  • Vision, Mission, Values
  • Training
  • HR Communication
  • Employee Onboarding
  • Performance Management
  • Recruitment
  • Policy & Procedures
  • Rewards and Recognition

Need a hand with videos in internal communications?

Our conceptual artists work closely with internal communication professionals to ensure that internal communication videos speak to an internal audience, and focuses on building bonds and strengthening employee engagement parameters.

For internal communication outsourcing and support, please reach out to:


Email: / WhatsApp: 052 530 8771


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