The Case for Leadership Blogs on LinkedIn

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The Case for Leadership Blogs on LinkedIn

The leadership traits that influence and inspire teams seem to be in a state of transformation where more value is placed on dependability and competence than the dynamics of personality, according to a study published in the Journal of Business and Psychology centred on the emergence of leadership in contexts of low, medium, and high virtuality.

As per the research insights, in the current remote work environment teams are now more inclined to lean towards leaders who are ‘doers’, who are dependable and have strong organisation skills, competencies & insight to help colleagues out of rough places than charismatic personalities who commanded a place at the table in a pre-covid era.

Top reasons  why leaders should blog

1. Demonstrate dependability & reliability

With face to face team meetings becoming a scheduled rarity than a spontaneous occurrence as was the previous norm, a regular leadership blog that guides and inspires can prove to be a steady accelerator while opening channels of open, instant conversation. Additionally, more people than ever are online and if you are thinking about starting a blog then there is no better time than right now to build your online tribe both within your organisation and externally as well!

2. Build a community

Blogging at its heart is interactive. It is a great way to virtually connect with employees who are bound by your vision or to a like-minded online audience who are interested in the same things as you are. Blogging allows you to share and guide your audience based on your experience, and it gives you the opportunity to learn from your audience as well.

3. Be regarded as an industry expert

By leading through insightful content that is consistently and regularly published online, you are blazing a personal trail of thought leadership.

However, remember to choose your leadership blog topics wisely and prepare a content calendar for the month to ensure you stay on course!

4. Helps you to inspire your audience and strengthen accountability

The two-way communication channel allows you to shift from the traditional Leader-Follower approach to Leader-Leader approach to allow everyone to lead, think and do! Blogs enable the shift in rhetoric from “Are we on track?” to “What can we do better” or “How ready are we for the product launch?” A collaborative approach or partnership translates into greater accountability to realise your end goal.

5. Recognition for yourself or your business

Blogs are a great way to strengthen your personal branding as a leader or to gain visibility for your business.

Where do I start?

The prerequisites of successful blog writing are a steady passion for your topic and a fierce desire to bring about a change.

How to Write a Leadership Blog in 5 Steps

  1. Pick a subject and impactful blog title.
  2. Decide on three subtopics to support your main idea
  3. Story telling: Remember to illustrate your theme through a life experience
  4. End with a takeaway for your audience or a call to action
  5. Write & publish your first post!

Remember, we are all more powerful than we realise. Tap into your life experiences and recover leadership nuggets that not only inspires and motivates but adds value and changes the work approach of your team.

Let’s start your blog!

Need a hand with your leadership blogs?

Do you need help to structure and put your ideas together or to do expert editing of your blog? 

We provide compelling content for websites, LinkedIn blogs and articles for professionals, entrepreneurs and corporates. If you need a hand at blog writing, please reach out to:

Email: / WhatsApp: 052 530 8771


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