Top 10 videos for HR communications

Top 10 videos for HR communications

Videos in HR communication_COMMSIMPACT

You can revitalise your HR communications through 2D animated videos. Make your employee communications humane and interesting, so that your audience never misses an internal update!


Leverage the power of videos to shape a unique culture rooted in the corporate values, improve employee engagement and enhance productivity and growth!

Check out the top video ideas for Human Resources.

    1. Orientation & Onboarding
    2. Compensation & Benefits Overview
    3. Policy & Procedures
    4. Training & development
    5. Team Introductions
    6. Recruitment
    7. Internal Event Promotions
    8. Vision, Mission & Values
    9. Wellness
    10. CSR


Using 2D animation videos is also a sure way to elevate your internal communications function, to raise the stature and credibility of this function across the organisation.

Check out the below internal vacancy announcement using 2D animation!

Revamp your communication by answering to target audience needs and create a culture of transparency and empowerment through facilitating seamless communication flow though videos.

Language is powerful and communicators have the unique privilege to harness the power of communication to set expectations, unite and drive action around things that matter!


Want to outsource your internal communications?


For internal communication outsourcing and support, please reach out to:

Email: / WhatsApp: 052 530 8771


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