Top 5 reasons to start a LinkedIn Blog

Top 5 reasons to start a LinkedIn Blog

Personal branding through LinkedIn Profiles

Publishing articles on your website blog is a sure way to build the domain authority of your website, enhance SEO and be found by prospects searching for the products and services that you offer. However, if you are looking to establish your personal brand or interested in opportunities to mentor and share your knowledge with your industry peers, then LinkedIn wins hands down.

Posting your articles on LinkedIn not only enhances your credibility among a select audience but also doubles up as conversation starters, nurturing longstanding business relationships.  It is also a unique opportunity to give back to your professional community by enriching someone’s career path. Most importantly, this is where you have a larger, professional audience who can help you move closer to your dream career. By consistently publishing and sharing your professional learnings, you can also build thought leadership in your specific area and strengthen your personal brand.

Here are the top 5 reasons to publish on LinkedIn:

  1. Larger, more relevant target audience
  2. Selecting relevant LinkedIn hashtags enables your post to be found by anyone searching for topics of their interest, even if you are not directly connected, thereby enriching their industry knowledge.
  3. Offers strong social proof; when members engage with your content, it increases your reach and authority
  4. LinkedIn Publisher posts are indexed by Google and show up in organic search results.
  5. Once your immediate network starts to like, comment and share your article, it will be visible beyond your immediate network to your 2nd and 3rd level connections.

So are LinkedIn blogs better than website blogs?

There are not mutually exclusive content sharing platforms; you can always publish on both platforms and follow the below steps:

  • Publish on your website if you have a website.
  • Ensure the content is indexed on Google Search Console.
  • Then publish the same article on LinkedIn.
  • Make sure that you re-share the article on other social media like Facebook and Twitter.

However, to help with SEO and to be found for different keyword searches, do take out time to rephrase the heading and opening paragraph of your article if you are re-purposing the same content. Here is an example of two different ways that you can rephrase the same heading:

Heading 1: How to engage your employees during change?

Heading 2: Top 5 ways to engage your employees during change.

And lastly, make sure that you regularly publish compelling content that informs or adds value to your target audience. The more you use the LinkedIn publishing platform, the more your network will become familiar with you, your perspectives and professional outlook, paving the way for robust business relationships.

Need a hand with your blog posts or LinkedIn articles?

We provide compelling content for websites, and content help for LinkedIn blogs and articles for entrepreneurs and corporates. If you need a hand at blog writing, please reach out to:

Email: / WhatsApp: 052 530 8771


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